The Weblog

Online Orders Open Sunday at 6 PM, and close at 6 AM on Wednesday morning.

You can now go online and place your order for THURSDAY Pick-Up.

You’ll find baked goods, locally made cloth and leather products, local salsas and hot sauce,honey and more as well as fresh seasonal produce and fruit, plus locally raised meat and eggs.

Order now online for THURSDAY pickup! All orders are required to pay online with credit/debit.

SNAP/EBT customers in the comment field put SNAP and bring your card to pickup.

Thank you for ordering online and continuing your support to the Farmers and producers of Fayetteville Farmers’ Market.

We appreciate your support!

View the Complete Weblog


If you have ordered we thank you!


This is just a brief reminder that you may still order or add items until 6 am on Wed morning Dec 4. All orders will be combined and you will only be charged once.

Pick up is Thursday Dec 5 from 4:30-5:30 pm. Your credit card will be charged only once, after you pick up, to insure that all items you ordered were delivered to you.

A&A is back with apples, cider and vinegar this week. Apples on sale are great for baking, applesauce, etc. Goldrush apples #1 quality have been restocked.

Round Mountain Lamb is back online along with beef and beefalo from Done Rovin, and chicken and pork from dH.

Vegies still available.

SNAP/EBT can be used online and matched. Just put a note in the comment to managers at checkout.

Questions? reply to this email or call/text 479-935-5111