The Weblog
Online Orders Open Sunday at 6 PM, and close at 6 AM on Wednesday morning.
You can now go online and place your order for THURSDAY Pick-Up.
You’ll find breads, granola, locally made cloth and leather products, local salsas and jams, honey and more as well as fresh seasonal produce and fruit, plus meat and eggs.
Order now online for THURSDAY pickup! All orders are required to pay online with credit/debit.
SNAP/EBT customers in the comment field put SNAP and bring your card to pickup.
Thank you for ordering online and continuing your support to the Farmers and producers of Fayetteville Farmers’ Market.
We appreciate your support!
Try Again before 6am Wed If You Had Problems Ordering
Hello! Just a brief note that there were some technical network issue that may have temporarily prevented you from getting to our online site. If you want to order, the site is now working:
Thanks for your patience and if you already ordered we thank you.
Otherwise, orders will remain open until 6am Wed and pickup is 4:30-5:30 on Thursday.