The Weblog
Online Orders Open Sunday at 6 PM, and close at 6 AM on Wednesday morning.
You can now go online and place your order for THURSDAY Pick-Up.
You’ll find breads, granola, locally made cloth and leather products, local salsas and jams, honey and more as well as fresh seasonal produce and fruit, plus meat and eggs.
Order now online for THURSDAY pickup! All orders are required to pay online with credit/debit.
SNAP/EBT customers in the comment field put SNAP and bring your card to pickup.
Thank you for ordering online and continuing your support to the Farmers and producers of Fayetteville Farmers’ Market.
We appreciate your support!
Thanks for ordering if you already have done so!
If not, there’s still time—orders close at 6 am Wednesday. And easy pickup drive by at library outdoor lot.
NOTE: On April 28, there is an event at the library, so we are asking you to pick up order from 4:30- 5:30 this week.
61 live garden plants listed this week! Herbs, berry plants, pepper and tomato starts, and too many other things to list.
Mother’s Day is not far away—we have cards, personal care items, crafts and more available.
How about some local jams and jellies to go on that local bread you just ordered?
Local eggs still available-chicken, duck and pullet (mini-eggs).
Chard, kale, spinach and spring mix are all available—we hope better weather in May will expand this list! Tulip bouquets can still be ordered this week.
PSST a secret: next week, we hope to offer STRAWBERRIES online for pickup on May 5—watch your email to confirm that.
Remember, even if you order several times, your orders will be combined into one and you will only be charged once.
Orders close at 6am Wednesday morning.
Thanks for your support. Questions? respond to this email.